Little Dewchurch benefits from a wide range of leisure and recreational activities and facilities, well attended by the community as well as people living outside our Parish.
The calendar shows details of what’s on, when and where for the various community groups, clubs and activities, which include:
Thursday Talk and Tea – meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the village hall. Come along to make new friends, listen to an interesting talk or catch up with old friends. All welcome.
Indoor Bowling (in the village hall during Winter months)
Loop & Soup walks
Tennis – a group of parishioners play regularly in the village and are always looking for more players ~ contact Meg Bailey (01432 840538)
Book Swap kiosk ~ housed in what was the public telephone box, near the village centre (to replace the loss of the mobile library service) kindly manned by our voluntary parish librarians ~ Meg Bailey (01432 840538) and Jan Jefferies (01432 840608) ~ simply choose books & return them when finished, or leave your unwanted books for others to enjoy!
Playing Field ~ ideal for families with children with its play equipment, picnic benches, football pitch and outdoor gym.
Dog Zone ~ our community dog exercise area, ideal for dog owners/walkers
Walking routes ~ a network of public footpaths throughout the parish have been knitted together to form a selection of circular routes of varying length. These are available from the Plough Inn or Cllr Philip Williams on A4 and include a route map. You can also download your copy from the Public Documents section.
Little Dewchurch Social Committee (LDSC) ~ this very proactive committee was formed in 2015 and organises a variety of community events throughout the yea