Over the years the County Council has devolved an increasing number of highways maintenance duties to the Parish Council including hedge trimming, grass mowing in our public open spaces and all Lengthsman tasks. In order to fulfil its highways responsibilities, the Parish Council appoints contractors on an annual agreement. The contractors use their own equipment and fuel and the Parish Council is very grateful for the excellent service they provide keeping our community clean, tidy and welcoming.
Our current contractors are:
Lengthsman ~ Terry Griffiths ~ Hedge Trimming ~ Richard Seaborne ~ Grass Mowing ~ Bob Simpkins
Should you encounter any defects, issues or potential problem areas within the parish which you believe may fall within the Groundsmen’s remit please contact the Parish Clerk.
Please do not contact the parish groundsmen directly as all tasks must be assessed and prioritised. This way we can also ensure the task is appropriate to a Groundsman or whether it is the responsibility of the Highways Authority.