Reporting Problems

Have you noticed anything wrong in Little Dewchurch? If so, please contact our Parish Clerk, Alison Wright.

Flytipping, grafitti, abandoned vehicles, dog fouling

Here in Herefordshire we have a Community Protection Team, based within Environmental Health Department at Herefordshire Council, whose task is to deal with environmental crime. This includes flytipping, litter, grafitti, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles etc. You can contact them using

Alternatively you can report the issue to Herefordshire Council on 01432 260000 or our Parish Clerk.

Reporting App from Herefordshire Council

A ‘Reporting’ app has been launched by Herefordshire Council to make it quicker and easier to report pothole problems to the council from your smart device.

The app allows users to report potholes, fly tipping, public right of way issues and dog poo.

To report a pothole – simply take a picture on your smart device (when it is safe to do so) and upload it directly to the app, the app can automatically pinpoint your location if you are reporting from the problem area.

Your picture and report will be sent directly to our highways management team and the local parish council of the area where the pothole is located. You will then be kept informed of the progress of the reported issue. The parish council will also automatically be kept informed, by regular RSS feed, on the progress of all reported potholes.

The app is available directly from the Herefordshire Council website, there is no need to visit a third party app store, and it always links to the most up to date version so no need to update it or have it taking up valuable space on your device, just open the link and add it to your device’s home screen.

To find the app, visit

Report a Pothole

Please use this link to REPORT A POTHOLE or any other road condition issues, so that Herefordshire Council can inspect it and schedule repair works: