What’s new on the Talk Community Directory?

Do you host a local service or events? The Talk Community website is a one stop shop for all of the best community based events and services in Herefordshire, with lots of new listings being added every week. You can explore what’s available at any time (and add your own listings) by heading to the services and groups, or what’s on pages. Here’s what’s new this week:

Archenfield Repair Café – Saturday 14th September

Singing for lung health – online

Singing for lung health – Hereford

New dates added for Stop Loan Sharks Training (October – December)

Family learning courses – indoor activities

Family learning courses – outdoor activities

Our socials are a great way to keep in touch with what’s on too, whether you’re • a Facebook fan
• tuned in to Twitter
• or instantly on Instagram.

Herefordshire Cares Do you want to make a difference to people’s lives every day? Working in social care is a rewarding career – to find out more about a career in adult social care, visit the Herefordshire Cares website.